Monday, June 7, 2010

2009 Bari Jay Collection

Save File Free Online and Get Money

Paid to upload & download, get paid to upload or download.

Website that provides programs such as this example is kewlshare, have not been helped by the existence of websites like this. At the moment our hard drive is full, then do not confused, just use our account on kewlshare to store the data we had. This website can store our data online, it is becoming easier to do ..? In addition we can also get extra income lho ..!

If we save a file that was downloaded by others, then we get paid, so outline ways of working ..

Large files that we upload a maximum of 200 MB for free accounts, and for a paid account we can upload files without any limit as much as possible ..

file> = 100 MB to $ 0005 and 5 points per download

files between 20 MB and 99 MB to $ 0002 and 2 points per download

files between 1 MB and 19 MB to $ 0001 and 1 point perdownload
You can request a payment if it has reached at least $ 10

baru update!!!

kita bisa mendapatkan $20 (atau sekitar dua ratus ribu) untuk setiap 1000 orang dari IP berbeda yang mendownload file kita Bagaimana? Berminat untuk Daftar , Silahkan Klik Disini

silahkan menulis komentar hanya untuk memberi saran,pertanyaan, dan apresiasi, Terima Kasih...


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