Sunday, December 13, 2009

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Tea is a very aromatic drink with evergreen leaves. For example green tea is considered the oldest beverage in the world. Its medicinal properties have been known for centuries. It contains numerous vitamins, trace elements and minerals which have a salutary effect on our health. Among many of its properties are mentioned beneficial effects, among others on the heart and circulatory system, lowers cholesterol, strengthens bones and regulates digestion. Drinking green tea improves our concentration and makes it easy to remember. Another example is tea, mate. Its beneficial effect on health, removing the stress and nervousness. It improves the body's resistance and supports the treatment of allergies, and also supports a slimming diet. Black tea in the morning and helps us to awaken to life. It protects blood vessels, preventing the formation of blood clots. Many different types of medicinal properties of tea coincide with each other. Each type has its because something is good for our health. You can even drink it and l it will not cause any serious side effects. Not without reason the properties are already used for centuries in Chinese medicine and Japanese. And above all, as the old adage: 'tea to drink to forget about the noise of the world. "


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