Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ls-land форум

These are the trees did 'carved' hand in pieces of styrofoam, wrapped with string, sprays brokatem.Za little time I had, dopracować.Ale to them as a decoration on the porch looks splendid.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Electric Infant Bottle Washer

my plastering-painting

For the past two weeks tore up her bedroom koleżanki.Miałam just paint the walls, ceiling and put a plaster on the walls by floating. Plaster finished at the top of a wave But not without problemów.Poprzednia the paint was going away from the walls, cracks in the joints 3 plasterboards, ceiling large chip size beret and two streaks that are already at the final stage (when painting the ceiling of that) just fell off .... so aaaaa.Tak of weekly work is done 2 tygodnie.Farbę need was torn off the walls, the joints plasterboards carve furrows, remove the old bandage and fix the new one (here the first time I used a paper bandage hamerykańskiej some companies). zaszpachlować joints with plaster, later the whole wall zaszpachlowałam cekolem.I so pleasant for the I work ie painting, plastering, had become for me the additional work-total kurzawa.Jakoś it survived, but the worst was me against the wall of sand dust skosem.Cały flew over my head, face, oczy.Jak wore eye goggles, and face This mask was either a pair of glasses or dust from grinding ... Blee ... wipe, plaster is painted a single color ink, paint and painted tzn.ściana washed cotton szmatą.Całość lakierem.Na plaster covered the end, using the templates and the weight allocated to them, I made a rose wzory.Szablon large, consisted of a 4 części.Masę general color is white. I added a green dye to it so the leaves do not need to be repainted.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Indian Man Touch The Indian Lady Boob

results carton-dart

I know that it was difficult to predict properly until 5 kartek.Niestety failed to uczestniczce.5 any person has chosen four cards correctly, 23 people hit three kartki.Postanowiłam So, I do draw among those who correctly wytypowały four cards, namely:
kachasek highlighted a 2 3 7 9
glinka121 highlighted 2 6 7 8 9
Karaluszek highlighted 2 3 6 7 8
Aneladgam highlighted a 2 3 8 9
Natka highlighted 4 2 3 7 9
A selection of cards by Mrs is: 2 3 7 8 9
winner picked my husband, the person most outsider.

Kachasku very glad especially that I received from you beaut. All participant
thank you very much for taking part in the paperboard lotku and now invite you to the next in a short time, perhaps.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sore Spine Help.....very Sore Back (spine)?

Announcement of the paperboard will dart December 2

baardzo, but you are very sorry that I've st today is not the prediction of the winner. I'm exhausted today dniem.Od morning to afternoon, with her husband helped a colleague in the unloading of transported away or dividers. In the afternoon outing with her daughters to the city in order to accomplish bill, which took me a long time (until the late evening hours). I'm exhausted and happy that her daughter hej.Uch ... Tomorrow
little in the morning I will be losowanko.No for it by tomorrow.